your support helps Brazos fellows flourish
Financial Opportunities
Brazos Fellows is an investment in the future leadership of the church, equipping tomorrow's business people, entrepreneurs, ministers, missionaries, and scholars for a life of faithful Christian service. We endeavor to keep tuition as affordable as possible, so everyone God calls to the program can participate. As a result, our annual budget requires a percentage of outside funding. We are also developing The Brazos Societies Project to help other churches across the country invite emerging adults in to rich disciple-making communities shaped by a Rule of Life. There is a wonderful opportunity for donors to step in and make this transformative project possible. Will you partner with us to sustain this life-changing fellowship and take its proven success to the next level? Or donate by mail:
Brazos Fellows, 1008 Jefferson Ave., Waco, TX 76701 All donations are tax deductible as Brazos Fellows is a registered 501(c)3.
We thank you for your generosity! Other ways to get involved: