Teaching Team
In addition to Paige and Paul Gutacker, a team of tutors and instructors take part in the teaching of the Course of Study as well as guiding students in their individual learning.
Dr. David D. Corey
Professor of Political Science, Baylor University Ph.D., Louisiana State University M.A., Louisiana State University B.M., Oberlin Conservatory B.A., Oberlin College Expertise / Interests: Political philosophy, just war theory, modern liberalism, Socrates, Plato, and U.S. political history. |
Dr. Junius Johnson
Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, Baylor University Ph.D., Yale University M.A., Yale University B.A., Oral Roberts University Expertise / Interests: Christology, Trinitarian theology, eucharistic theology, cosmology, metaphysics, philosophy and culture, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Bonaventure, and Thomas Aquinas. |
Dr. Ralph Wood
University Professor of Theology and Literature, Baylor University Ph.D., University of Chicago M.A., East Texas State University B.A., East Texas State University Expertise / Interests: Theology and literature, the life and work of Flannery O'Connor, G.K. Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien, and iconography. |
Fr. Matthew Aughtry
Screenwriting Certificate, UCLA (2016) M.Div., Fuller Theological Seminary (2016) B.A., Film Studies/Media Arts, The University of South Carolina (2009) Expertise/Interests: Theology and art, filmmaking, screenwriting, playwriting, story structure and the mono-myth, iconography and sacred art, the lives of the saints and hagiography, media in the Church, and spiritual disciplines. |
Fr. Jonathan Kanary
Ph.D. student, English, Baylor University Master of Sacred Theology, Nashotah House Theo. Seminary (2015) M.Div., Nashotah House Theo. Seminary (2011) B.A. in Literature, Patrick Henry College (2006) Expertise / Interests: Monasticism, the Desert Fathers, ascetical theology, patristic theology, theological readings of scripture, modern English literature, juvenile and young adult fiction, and liturgy. |
Fr. Nicholas Krause
Ph.D. student, Theology and Ethics, Baylor University M.Div., Duke University Divinity School (2015) B.A., Historical Theology, Moody Bible Institute (2012) Expertise / Interests: Social ethics, political theology, democratic theory, philosophy of language, Augustine and the Augustinian tradition, Catholic Social Teaching, and the history of American Protestant ethics. |
Christine Pyle
Ph.D. candidate, English, Baylor University B.A. in French, Louisiana State University (2011) B.A. in English, Louisiana State University (2011) Expertise / Interests: English Renaissance literature, George Herbert and the Metaphysical poets, medieval British and French literature, British modernism, early American literature, literature and the Bible, liberal education, and creative nonfiction. |
Skylar Ray
Ph.D. student, History, Baylor University M.A., History, Baylor University (2017) B.A., History and Spanish, Oral Roberts University (2014) Expertise / Interests: Twentieth-century U.S. religious and cultural history, ecumenism, Spain and Latin America, faith and learning, and faith and contemporary culture. |
Cody Strecker
Ph.D. candidate, Theology, Baylor University Master of Theological Studies, Duke Divinity School (2014) B.A., Classics, Hillsdale College (2010) Expertise / Interests: Early Christian history, Syriac theology, theology and poetry, children's and family catechesis. and theological study of history. |